pminternship in Registration Online And Login 2024

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The Prime Minister Internship Scheme was launched according to the announcement from the Indian federal government The Indian central government has started an experimental initiative called the Prime Minister Internship Scheme to offer internships to every one of the country’s residents who have wrapped up their schooling and are presently without employment. The governing body of India will ensure that prominent businesses engage and educate interns through this program that will ensure they can advance their careers and acquire expertise. The Indian government anticipates offering 1.25 lakh possibilities for pminternship in Registration to every Indian youngsters during the fiscal year 2024–2025.

Brief Detail of pminternship in Registration

The government officials of India additionally developed the pminternship in order to streamline the entire application procedure for the Prime Minister internship program. Young people across the nation can use this platform to conveniently enroll for the program online from the ease of their own residence refrain from having to go to an official venue. Under this program, young Indians will gain practical expertise in large commercial settings, which they can then use to land their ideal careers. Delivering all Indian youth a 12-month internship allows them to gain firsthand experience in a variety of different vocations and actual events corporate settings.

Beneficent Information ofpminternship in

Initiative’s NamePrime Minister internship scheme
Initiated byGovernment of India
GoalsFill out the registration form
RecipientsYouth of India
Official portalpminternship in
Date Of CommencementOctober 3rd, 2024
Internship duration12 months

Main Goals of  Internship Scheme

Ensuring each of the jobless youngsters in India have access to possibilities for internship is the primary goal of the internship program. The national government of India is prepared to offer internships to one crore Indian youth spanning a five-year period. 500 businesses are going to take part in the internship program and offer internships to young people, stated to the Indian government. Through this program, India’s youngsters would be able to close the educational disparity between academics and real-world applications. Any Indian citizen among the ages of 21 and 24 who is presently jobless at the moment is qualified to receive advantages associated with the internship program.

Deepam Scheme List 2024

PM Internship Scheme TIme table

  • Companies will post job openings on the internship portal from October 3 to October 10.
  • Candidates submit applications on the portal from October 12 to October 25 (First round of applications).
  • Following October 26, the shortlist created by artificial intelligence was made.
  • Between October 27 and November 7, the companies will evaluate and choose candidates.
  • Between November 8 and November 15, the Candidates decide whether to accept or decline internship offers.

Qualification Requirements

  • The candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • The individual must fall within the age range of 21 to 24 years old.
  • If young people are signed up for distance or online education, they can submit an application.
  • Candidates need to have completed their high school education or senior secondary, and must also have either an ITI certificate or a Diploma from a Polytechnic institute.
  • The candidates should have a legitimate degree in BA, B.Sc, BBA,, or B.Pharma for qualifications.

Criteria for disqualification

  • Candidates who have completed their studies at IITs, IIMs, National Law Universities, USER, NIDs, and IITs are prohibited from applying for the program.
  • Individuals with credentials like CA, CMA. Computer Science, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Dental Surgery. MBA, any master’s degree or above.
  • Individuals participating in skill development, apprenticeship, internship, or student training programs offered by the Central Government or State Government schemes.
  • Individuals who have finished the apprenticeship program through either NATS or NAPS at any time.
  • Having an annual family income over INR 8 lakh for the financial year 2023-24 makes the chosen candidate ineligible.
  • If any family member is employed full-time by the government.

Education Qualifications

  • Applicants should have completed high school or senior secondary education and hold either an ITI certificate or a Diploma from a Polytechnic institute.
  • Candidates are required to possess a legitimate degree in BA, B.Sc, BBA,, or B.Pharma fields.

Criteria for selecting partner companies

  • The Indian government will choose the top 500 companies for the program, considering their average CSR spending over the past 3 years.
  • In order to take part in the internship program, any other company must first obtain approval from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
  • If a company is unable to offer internships directly, they can partner with their suppliers or distributors to create internship opportunities for young individuals.
  • The companies have the option to collaborate with different companies within their group by establishing mutual terms and conditions.

Key Characteristics

  • Monthly financial support: Each intern will receive a stipend of up to INR 500 from their company, in addition to an additional INR 4500 from the Indian central government.
  • If companies desire to offer an amount exceeding INR 500, they have the freedom to do so.
  • Money transfer: In addition to their stipend from the company, the interns will also be given financial benefits by the Government of India.
  • The funds will be transferred by the government through the DBT process directly to the bank account of the specific candidate.
  • The Government of India will also offer an incidental grant of INR 6000 to all participants once they begin their internship with the company.
  • Insurance benefits: All interns will be covered by insurance under the government program Pradhan Mantri Jivan Jyoti Bima Yojana in India.

Mahtari Shakti Loan Yojana List

Necessary Documentation

  • Aadhar card
  • Educational qualification certificate
  • Domicile certificate

Stipend Under PM Internship Scheme 2024

Each intern selected for the program will receive a monthly stipend which comprises:
Monthly Stipend of Rs 5000
A One time Grant of Rs 6000

Monetary Support

  • Each intern will receive a combined monthly stipend of INR 5000 from both the government and the companies for a duration of 12 months.
  • The interns will receive an additional INR 500 each month from the company’s CSR fund, depending on their performance and attendance.
  • Following the payment from the company, the Government of India will additionally offer financial aid of INR 4500 to every intern.
  • Once they arrive at the internship location, intense individuals will receive a one-time grant of INR 6000 from the Indian Government.

Process of putting the scheme into action.

  • The internship program for PM will be rolled out via the online platform established by the Indian government. Every candidate must sign up on the website in order to submit their application for the program through the internet.
  • The affiliated company must publish their internship on the official platform with all necessary details such as the location and other key information.
  • After candidates sign up, the portal will create a CV using their input and suggest suitable internships based on the information provided.
  • After applying for an internship, candidates will be sorted by the company based on their preferences and needs.
  • Detailed operational instructions for companies and youth to engage in the pilot project via the portal will be available on the portal.
  • The ministry will create a clear process to acknowledge outstanding performance in innovation and other factors for both interns and companies.

Steps to Register at pminternship in 

STEP 1: Young Indian citizens interested in enrolling for the PM internship program online are advised to access the official website by clicking on the provided link.

STEP 2: Upon reaching the official website’s homepage, the young citizens need to find and select the “Youth Registration” option to proceed.

STEP 3: When selecting the “Youth Registration” option, the youth need to input their mobile numbers in the pop-up window.

STEP 4: Next, the youth need to input their cell phone number, check the verification box, and select “Get OTP”.

STEP 5: The next step involves the youth entering the OTP they received on their registered mobile number and selecting the “submit” option.

STEP 6: The youth will receive a notification to give consent for Aadhaar at the same time as updating their password. The young citizens have to check the box and select “Agree” in order to continue.

STEP 7: Next, the new generation will see a refreshed password notification popping up on their computer screen. Young citizens have the option to input their current password and then enter the new password twice.

STEP 8: The young citizens need to review the entered current and updated passwords and then click on the “submit” option.

STEP 9: Next, the young citizen is able to enter the portal by selecting the “candidate profile” option and can utilize the different services provided on the portal.

STEP 10: To log out from the portal, the candidate can click on the “User Profile Link” located in the top right corner of each page.

Create Candidate Profile

Young Indian citizens interested in creating their candidate profile on the portal are asked to follow the procedures provided below.

  • E-KYC
  • Personal Details
  • Contact Information
  • Details of education
  • Details about the bank

Electronic KYC

STEP 1: The Digilocker app must be downloaded and accessed with credentials by young Indian citizens wanting to do their e-KYC.

STEP 2: Once logged in, young citizens should select the “Meri Pehchan” option in the Digi locker checkbox and then click on “Proceed with Meri Pehchaan”.

STEP 3: A fresh page will now pop up on the desktop screen where the young individuals need to input their Aadhar number and select the “request OTP” button.

STEP 4: The OTP that has been received must be entered by the young citizens and then they need to select the “Continue” option.

STEP 5: A pop-up menu will show up on the citizens’ desktop screen where they need to input their Six-digit security PIN to log in to their Digilocker account.

STEP 6: A fresh page will pop up on your computer screen, requiring young participants to agree to sharing their Aadhaar Card information for the PM Internship Scheme.

STEP 7: Next, individuals need to select “allow,” provide their email address, and click on “verify.”

STEP 8: Citizens are now required to input the OTP received on their email and select the “Submit” button.

Personal Details

STEP 1: Now the next stage for the young citizens is to proceed to input personal information when creating their profile. Information such as Name, Gender, and Date of Birth will be automatically retrieved by the system from the e-KYC interface. Young individuals need to adhere to the protocols in order to modify any existing data.

STEP 2: Young individuals have the ability to go to the pminternship in website, select “create profile,” and begin filling out their personal information.

STEP 3: A new page will now pop up on your computer screen, where the young individual needs to input information such as- Name of Father/Mother/Guardian: The youth need to provide the name of their father, mother, or legal guardian in this area.

Section: Within this division, the youth must select their category from a dropdown menu with the choices of general, OBC, SC, or ST.

Permanent Residence Location: Detailed information about their permanent address is required for the young citizens to provide, including-

  • Residence Unit Number
  • First line of address
  • Second address line
  • Region of State or Union Territory
  • Block (if desired)
  • Optional Village
  • Zip Code or Postal Code
  • Now the residents need to choose either yes or no when prompted with the question “Is your Permanent Address identical to your current address?”
  • If your current address differs from your permanent address, young citizens should provide a detailed description of their current address, including-
  • Residence Unit Number
  • Line 1 of address
  • Address Line 2nd
  • Government Entity/Territory or Union Territory
  • Region
  • Block (if desired)
  • Community (if desired)
  • Zip code/Postal code
  • STEP 4: Next, the youth need to indicate if they have a disability by selecting “yes or no” under the differently abled section.
  • STEP 5: Once the candidate has entered all the required information mentioned above, they should select the “Save & Next” option in order to save their personal details and proceed to the next stage.

Contact Details

STEP 1: Next, the youth can proceed to the following stage where they need to input their contact information.

STEP 2: The youth must provide all the required information on the contact form.

  • The young individuals must input their Aadhaar registered mobile number in this space.
  • Young individuals need to input an extra mobile number as an alternative in this section.
  • The email IDs of the citizens must be provided as well.

STEP 3: Once all the information has been entered, the youths need to verify it and select the “get OTP” option.

STEP 4: Next, the citizens need to input the OTP they received and select “verify”.

STEP 5: Following completion of the aforementioned information, the candidate is able to select the “Save & Next” option to save the personal details and proceed to the next stage.

Education Details

STEP 1: The next stage involves young individuals entering their educational information.

STEP 2: A form will pop up on your computer screen where young individuals need to input all the requested details.

Young individuals need to choose their credentials from a drop-down menu containing choices such as 10th grade, 12th grade, ITI, and a college degree.

Young citizens must choose their course stream or specialization, if applicable, from a drop-down menu of available options on the screen.

The young individuals must type their institution’s name in this space.

Next, the young individuals need to provide the name of their educational institution – be it a school, college, or another type of Institute.

The young individuals need to choose the year they will complete the course from a selection of different available options in a dropdown menu.

Young individuals need to choose the appropriate scoring system such as CGPA/Grades/Percentage from a drop-down menu for the mentioned course.

In conclusion, the youth need to submit any certificates they have in PDF format.

STEP 3: The citizens should promptly examine it and select the “Save & Next” button to store the Education Details and progress to the next stage.

Details of the Bank

STEP 1: The next required action for the young citizens is to proceed to the following step, which involves inputting their bank account information.

STEP 2: Next, the youth must click on either “yes” if they possess an Aadhar-linked bank account or “no” if they do not.

STEP 3: It is important for the youth to be aware that only individuals with an Aadhar-linked bank account will be eligible to receive a single payment of INR 6000 through the PM internship program.

STEP 4: The citizens need to promptly examine it and select the “Save & Next” button to save the bank details and proceed to the next stage.

Ability and Communication

STEP 1: Next, the youth can proceed to the following stage by inputting their skill and preferred language.

STEP 2: Next, the youth need to input all their skills from the drop-down menu on the form.

STEP 3: Next, the youth must provide their Languages, Certifications, and Experience.

  • The residents have to choose their familiar languages from a dropdown menu of languages. The candidates should be aware that they have the option to select multiple languages.
  • In the description box, candidates are required to include their previous experience.
  • The candidate can input any additional certifications they may have into this description field.
  • The residents have the option to add additional information to their profile such as hobbies or accolades they have received.

STEP 4: The applicants have to give their approval for the “MCA’s ability to disclose their information to other Government portals/Schemes for different training and opportunities”.

STEP 5: Once all information is inputted, the youths can select the “download Resume” option.

STEP 6: Once the resume has been downloaded successfully, the candidates are able to select the “complete profile” option to finalize their PM Internship Scheme profile.

Details for getting in touch

  • For further details about the Prime Minister Internship scheme, Indian youth can reach out to:
  • Location:- 5th Floor, A Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr Rajendra Prasad Rd, New Delhi-110001.
  • Contact number for assistance: 1800 11 6090.
  • Email Address: pminternship[at]

Get the guidelines downloaded.

STEP 1: Those citizens interested in obtaining the PM Internship scheme guidelines should go to the official website to download them.

STEP 2: Upon arriving at the official website’s home page, citizens should select the “guidelines” option found on the dashboard.

STEP 3: The guidelines can be downloaded successfully by clicking on the “download icon” on the desktop screen where the PDF file will appear.

Do’s & Don’t (Candidate)

DO’s Youth registration and profile creation process

  • Check eligibility: The young citizens must carefully read all the eligibility criteria available in the guidelines corner.
  • Keep documents ready: The young citizens must make sure that they have all the required documents including their Aadhar Card, mark sheet, and  educational qualification.
  • Mobile number for OTP: To do the Aadhar verification the young citizens must have their registered mobile number so that they can enter the OTP.
  • Strong password: Young citizens must maintain a strong password to secure their account the password must contain at least eight letters including capital and small alphabets.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS)?

The Prime Minister Internship Scheme by the Government of India offers internship chances in the top 500 Indian companies to the youth.

Who is eligible to available the benefits of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS)?

All Indian residents aged 21 to 24 can avail benefits of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS).

What is an internship?

The internship involves the intern and the company agreeing to provide the intern with training, experience, and skills in a real business setting.

What is the duration of the internship?

The internships offered through the Prime Minister Internship Scheme will last for a period of one year, which is equivalent to 12 months.

What is the monthly allowance to be given to the interns under the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS)?

Interns enrolled in the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS) will receive a monthly stipend of INR 5000.

Can international candidates apply for the Prime Minister Internship Scheme?

International applicants are not allowed to participate in the Prime Minister Internship Scheme.

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